Challenge Detail

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Smart Weekends

Project Detail

The project includes eco-friendly educational journey through the cities and towns Gomel region (Branch, Rechitsa, Chachersk, love, Zhlobin, Rogachev, Mozyr, Tours, etc.), in program includes: seminars, workshops, master classes, meetings with entrepreneurs, visits to enterprises, sports and cultural activities, including Biking, horseback riding, excursions to museums, and gustatory food tours.

Challenge summary

Educational tourism project "Smart weekends" aimed at solving the following issues: the increase of the cultural level and General interests of the students, the expansion of knowledge about the historical and cultural values Gomel in the region, the development of rural tourism, promotion of Belarusian culture, strengthening interaction of students and faculty with practitioners, representatives of business and building and deepening of personal social capital.

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Contact person’s name

Danik Daniil

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