Advanced Acceleration: Business Execution but before Test, Budget, Launch Module

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Advanced Acceleration: Business Execution but before Test, Budget, Launch Module


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ACCELERATION COURSE FOR PRE-STARTUPS and STARTUPS - is composed out of 5 modules aiming at introducing the student to the broader startup acceleration process. Both the content and teaching angle attempt to provide useful information to all those who either plan to implement/mentor or attend an acceleration program. By putting those two perspectives together is more effective for all types of users of the courses content to explore its challenges and generate more efficient answers. The course combines both academic-centric content as well as experiential lessons that allow for an effective engagement with a developing startup ecosystem.


General overview of the course :


     Early Acceleration Level: Acceleration Programs and how they work Module

     Early Acceleration Level: Startup types &The Mentor-Mentee relationship building Module

     Advanced Acceleration: From Idea to Business Concept: An Entrepreneurial Journey Module

     Advanced Acceleration: Business Execution but before Test, Budget, Launch Module

     Advanced Acceleration: Raise of Funding and Governance Module




Advanced Acceleration: Business Execution but before Test, Budget, Launch Module is one of 5 modules within the ACCELERATION COURSE FOR PRE-STARTUPS and STARTUPS.


It is divided into 2 Parts A and B:

Market launch is always a challenge for all new companies or entrepreneurial efforts.

PART A: will compare various ways to enter the market based upon a startups available resources, starting from alfa / beta testing to full launch.

PART B: is about operating with the necessary planning and forecasting of all needs and economic goals. Learn how budgeting can help drive the train and avoid lethal mistakes or wrong decisions.


Main learning objective: Understand how to launch a startup in a market and plan with the available resources.


Learning Outcomes


     You will learn how to enter the market by simplifying this difficult task for yourself;

     You will be able to compare different ways to enter the market based on the startup's available resources;

     You will be able to use alpha/beta testing correctly;

     You will learn about planning and forecasting all needs and economic goals;

     You will learn how budgeting can help and avoid mistakes or wrong decisions;

     You will also be able to use the methods of planning and financing projects.


Module Elements


🎥 2 Recorded Video Lessons

📥 3 downloaded resource (Guidance Material)

🕚 Full lifetime access

📲 Access via mobile devices and PCs

📝 Quizzes

📜 Certificate of completion

🕮 Language of the course: English

📚 Trainer: Dr. Paraskevi Giourka

🥇 Lead University Partner: Anthology Management, LLC /Bulgaria


Who this course is for:


🔥For everyone, especially those who plan to implement / mentor, or participate in an acceleration program.
This module will present ways to meet project financing needs and plan financing scenarios.



Advanced Acceleration: Business Execution but before Test, Budget, Launch Module

Youtube channel - Network of Smart Caffe

Guidance Materials -


📌Part A: Business Execution but before Test, Budget, Launch

Will compare various ways to enter the market based upon a startups available resources, starting from alfa / beta testing to full launch.


📌Part B: Business Execution but before Test, Budget, Launch

Is about operating with the necessary planning and forecasting of all needs and economic goals.


Evaluation test






Photo of Paraskevi Giourka

     Dr. Paraskevi Giourka is a Civil Engineer, and a strong innovation research professional with a PhD in Innovation Management from University of Leeds, UK, and an MBA from the University of Portsmouth, UK. She is a collaborating partner with CERTH (Greek National Research Center), specializing in H2020 proposal preparation and implementation.

     She is a co-founder at Anthology Ventures, and a founding partner at Anthology Management, a company active in delivering mentor trainings, acceleration programs, international entrepreneurship summer schools, fast track business bootcamps and virtual incubation programs in collaboration with institutions in Greece and throughout Europe.

     She has worked as a Technology Transfer and Commercialisation Consultant at Democritus University of Thrace.

     She has a demonstrated history of working in the business sector specialising in technology prospecting/scouting and start up coaching. Skilled in Business Planning, Business Modelling, Analytical Skills, and Innovation Management as well as procuring, organizing, and running international funded projects.

     She has worked as an expert for collaborative international projects for twelve years addressing topics such as a) increasing innovation capacity of SMEs, b) building entrepreneurial diversity and resilience, and c) developing policy recommendations for supporting entrepreneurial growth, d) smart cities etc.

     She has been assigned (in 7 projects) as an innovation expert for monitoring H2020 MSCA projects for their innovation potential using the Innovation Radar methodology.


If you are interested to in our other courses of the Competitive Intelligence Program as a part of the project 617393-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Connecting universities-industry through smart entrepreneurial cooperation and competitive intelligence of students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia (CONNECT) co-financed by the European Commission joint our Smart Channel created by the Network of Smart Caffes.


Please check our


Network of Smart Caffe is both a physical space located in 13 Higher Education institutions in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Belarus and a virtual space( for start-ups support and development.


As a physical space, Smart Caffe ( is a combination of an incubator and a business accelerator, supporting young people with creative or business ideas.


As a virtual space is a multifunctional and promising platform for the creation and development of startups, interaction through co-working and communication channels, possibility to participate in networking and training events and much more.


Info about project

Reference number: 617393-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.


Connecting universities-industry through smart entrepreneurial cooperation and competitive intelligence of students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia aims at reinforcement of university-industry relationship based on smart (multidimensional) entrepreneurial approach in higher education institutions from Eastern Partnership countries and enhancement of students and graduates competitive intelligence (behaviors, skills, mindsets) and their ability to create jobs.

The project started on January 15, 2021, the whole duration of the project is 3 years.


The project is funded by the European Commission Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture within the Erasmus+ programme.


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Disclaimer: The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein


DISCLAIMER: The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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