Challenge Detail

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The New Innovative paths in IT

Challenge summary

Research the American big five companies and their path to success. Underline the failures, why they are known as the customer behavior game-changers and determine the upcoming technological advancements according to their innovative path.

Company's name

Zark3 NGO

Company's profile

Contact person’s name

Aleta Serobyan

Contact person’s email

Related areas of expertise

IT, Technology, Startup Incubation and funding

What are you looking for (expected gains)

New, Crazy ideas

Evaluation Criteria

Research quality, The New Innovative paths in IT

Terms and conditions (IP and confidentiality)


Expected deliverables

Well researched articles and innovative solutions for coming generations.

Do you think you qualify for The Hackaton for Open Innovations within the Network of Smart Caffe and would you like to be considered for it

A tour around Digitain office and invitation to attend Demo Day.

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