Name and Surname

Anush Saghatelyan

Course and Year

MA, English Language and Literature, 1st Year

Date of birth


Home address

N2 , Zargaryan Street, town Gavar, Gegharkunik region, Armenia

Address of current residence

N2 , Zargaryan Street, town Gavar, Gegharkunik region, Armenia



Area of the business idea

Health & Wellbeing


Product/service description

The idea is to create a psychological support center in the community of Gavar named "U Strong" the target group of which will be school-age children and their parents. The center will provide psychological assistance based on school applications, which will be transferred to parents of children by


Living in a society where emigration prevail, why not carefully hidden domestic violence either, there is a real need to have a psychological center priority of which will be to work with the first layers of society-children and adults. And school is the platform where the formation of a conscious person begins, and where I live, there are many cases where during school relations the child encounters tobacco, alcohol, peers’ and teachers’ bullying and aggression. The center we create will become the cornerstone with which we can have the kind of stable society we so desperately need. We ought to be the change we want to see.


The staff members of our center will become already experienced, practical, highly qualified specialists in Armenia, already well-known in the field of psychology, they will provide one-time and continuous psychological assistance to applicants and carry out a deep work with their parents to create and maintain an atmosphere of mutual trust in families. After having worked with our psychologists, children will get rid of the existing traumas, will have healthy self-esteem and a determination to say a firm NO in time, and afterward they will become healthy cells of society.

Market and size

Taking into account the number of students in the Gavar community more than 1300, Approximately 10% will be direct beneficiaries, and their parents, approximately 28-50 years old, relatives will be considered as secondary beneficiaries.


The primary customers of the program are the schoolchildren of the Gavar community, and the second customers are the members of the latter's family, the people with whom they are in constant contact. The clients of the center, noticing positive changes in their lives, will pass on information about the center, in this way the work of the center will gain greater coverage.


As such, there is no psychological center in our community that provides individual և group therapy directly with schoolchildren. And if there are later has psychologists at schools later, then the center's specialists will be open to cooperating with them և to achieve the desired result in short terms.


Team leader: Anush Saghatelyan MA 1st year student I am an active member of society, an excellent student with great communicational and organizational skills, a successful professional, a happy woman, and the mother of two wonderful boys, one of whom attends school, thus allowing me to be closer to school myself. In addition to all of this, I once worked with a psychologist and that has qualitatively changed my whole life, allowing me to become a person with more stable self-esteem and my children also have the necessary level of self-confidence, and they feel safe with the family they live in and if there is any problem they surely turn to us for the first part for a piece of advice they need. I have successfully participated in several programs, and thanks to winning the last one, I am currently studying for free. I am all set to do everything to realize my life's dream.



The first session will be free of charge, and from the second there will be a pre-defined price list, taking into account the average income of the community residents. The sessions will be conducted online and offline.


Trainings and workshops

Courses in family psychology ․ Business courses


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