Market of business ideas

Bookstore cafe

Cafenea de tip librărie unde clienții pot servi o cafea, sau alte băuturi calde (ceai, ciocolată caldă) alături de un desert, lecturând din cărțile prezente pe...

Proiectarea, designul și producerea documente...

Proiectarea, designul și producerea documentelor textuale (invitații, felicitări, diplome etc) pentru ocazii speciale şi festive. Idee foarte interesantă şi via...

Brutărie artizanală

Produsul pe care vreau să il prezint este Pâinea şi produsele de patiserie, acestea au un rol primordial in viaţa omului. Produsele mele sunt sănătoase, făcute...

Orpheus Music

Orpheus Music is the first NFT Music social-platform allowing fans to explore new artists and support them financially.


Our product will be smart outdoor garbage cans, where truck drivers who collect garbage from different places in the city can remotely detect in what percentage...


I want to open a small Chips producing factory, because my village have many lands of potatoes and my family also employs and grow potato, so I want to take ca...


The business idea is that of opening a language teaching center in my hometown, Gavar. It will be the first center of its kind in the municipal community of Gav...


The program is intended to create a mobile application that will include the following services: hairdressing, makeup, facial massage and care, manicure and ped...


I want to open an pharmacy, which will have also online services.There is a great demand for medicines at the moment. I live in the village of Gandzak, where th...

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